Crabtree Infants' and Junior School

Crabtree Infants' and Junior School

Making A Difference

School Improvement Priorities


We are constantly striving to ensure that we can provide the very best experience for ALL children at Crabtree. The School Improvement Plan is devised annually and shared with all stakeholders. It is an organic document, and as such is always reviewed and updated. It helps us to have clear direction and set achievable goals. 



School Priority  1 - Quality of Education

Aim: There is a consistent approach to the use of ‘adaptive teaching’ to ensure all children access the curriculum & learning ‘sticks’.


School Priority   2 - Behaviour & Attitudes

Aim: To develop independent learners who are self-motivated and demonstrate positive learning behaviours.


School Priority  3 - Personal Development 

Aim: To empower children to enable them to become empathetic and respectful global citizens of the future by increasing their awareness & understanding of equality and diversity.


School Priority 4 - Leadership & Management

Aim: Leaders are proactive in offering high quality CPD for all staff to ensure quality first teaching in all areas of the curriculum.


School Priority 5 - EYFS

Aim: Create an environment that supports the ambitious curriculum in EYFS and the characteristics of effective learning.  

